Cybersecurity Services

Enhance your organization’s security with optional features including Attack Surface Monitoring, Protective DNS Monitoring, Dark Web Monitoring, and Open Source Intelligence Monitoring - all monitored 24/7 by Blueshift’s U.S based Threat Hunters.

Dark Web Monitoring

Dark web monitoring involves scouring the hidden corners of the dark web—a network of unindexed sites often used for illicit activities—to track an organization’s information. Blueshift’s advanced tools are crucial for detecting compromised data like passwords and credentials.

Key Aspects of Dark Web Monitoring:

  • Data Protection: Identifies sensitive data on the dark web to safeguard against breaches.
  • Threat Identification: Continuously scans for and alerts about potential threats.
  • Risk Mitigation: Helps businesses avert damage from data breaches and unauthorized access.
  • Real-Time Incident Response: Provides immediate alerts for swift action against compromised information.
  • Integration with Blueshift XDR: Enhances overall cybersecurity operations by integrating dark web insights into a comprehensive defense strategy.

Attack Surface Monitoring

Cyber Attack Surface Monitoring is a strategic approach that enhances an organization’s defenses in the digital realm. It entails a thorough examination of an organization’s digital assets—like websites, servers, apps, and network infrastructure—to identify and address vulnerabilities.

Key Elements of Cyber Attack Surface Monitoring:

  • Continuous Monitoring: U.S. Cyber Analysts Regularly analyze your attack surface to detect potential threats.
  • Asset Scanning and Analysis: Blueshift scans the internet for exposed assets and evaluates related data for vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerability Identification: Pinpoint weak points or misconfigurations in digital assets.
  • Malicious Activity Detection: Blueshift Monitors for signs of unauthorized access or other malicious actions.

Open Source Intelligence Monitoring

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a vital tool for businesses seeking to bolster their cyber defense strategies. 

Using OSINT, Blueshift analyzes information from public sources like social media, news, and forums, offering insights into potential cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

Key Benefits of OSINT Monitoring:

  • Proactive Threat Detection: Stay ahead of cybercriminals by identifying changes in publicly exposed information.
  • Anticipate Cyber Threats: Use OSINT to foresee and prevent potential security breaches.
  • Track Evolving Cyber Trends: Stay updated on the latest cybercrime tactics and techniques.
  • Adapt Security Measures: Continuously refine defense strategies in response to new threats.

Protective DNS

Blueshift’s Protective DNS (PDNS) service is a powerful tool that protects your organization from phishing, malware, domain names algorithms (DGAs).

By using threat intelligence that leverages a variety of data sources including open source, commercial, and governmental feeds, Blueshift’s PDNS identifies known malicious domains across different stages of network exploitation. Additionally, our MDNR (Malicious Domain Name Recognition) solution detects emerging threats through pattern recognition.

The domains targeted by our PDNS cover a range of malicious activities, including:

  • Phishing: Identifies sites hosting applications designed to collect personal or organizational information through tactics like credential harvesting scams or typosquatting –  or close lookalikes of common domains..Our PDNS safeguards users from inadvertently connecting to potentially malicious links.
  • Malware Distribution and Command and Control: Blocks access to sites serving malicious content or utilized by threat actors to control malware, such as those hosting malicious JavaScript files or collecting data for profiling purposes.
  • Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs): Detects sites with dynamically generated domain names used by advanced malware, including some botnets, to evade static blocking measures. By analyzing textual attributes, our PDNS flags domains associated with known DGA patterns, providing enhanced protection against these threats.


Blueshift simplifies compliance initiatives and extends security visibility and management across an entire organization. It integrates with all existing devices, data and systems across the network. That includes cloud, IoT, endpoint, server, remote workers and more.

Adding Zero-Trust data protection to the Blueshift XDR platform means that files remain encrypted and only accessible by trusted users, wherever they go: endpoints, cloud, NAS, anywhere. Cigent’s integrated controls defend sensitive data from zero-day ransomware, advanced malware, fileless malware, living-off-the-land, zero-day, supply chain, firmware, unpatched software, and social engineering attacks.

Another Blueshift innovation has been to integrate zero-trust data protection with its XDR platform. Zero-trust data protection can force the protection of files during a security incident so that only authorized users with proper multi-factor authentication can access them. This helps reduce the risk that the data is exfiltrated or encrypted during an incident.




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Enhance your organization’s security with optional advanced cybersecurity services, all 100% managed by Blueshift’s U.S.-based Security Operations Center (SOC), including:

  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • Attack Surface Monitoring
  • Protective DNS Monitoring (PDNS)
  • Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Monitoring
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