

eBook: Solving the SMB Cybersecurity Crisis


43% of cyber attacks target small to medium-sized businesses.


It is clear that SMBs need to move from worrying about cybersecurity to doing something about it, but how can SMBs protect themselves in an ever-changing cybersecurity threat landscape?


In this eBook you will learn: 

  • Common Methods of Cyber Attack against SMBs 
  • Why Prevention-only Tools (i.e. Anti-Virus, Firewalls) are Not Sufficient Protection Against Today’s Advanced Cyber Threats
  • How SMBs Can Gain the Advantage over Cyber Attackers
  • How Managed Extended Detection & Response Affordably Protects SMBs Against Today’s Advanced Cyber Threats 


eBook Download

Solving the SMB Cybersecurity Crisis

It is clear that SMBs need to move from worrying about cybersecurity to doing something about it, but how can SMBs protect themselves in an ever-changing cybersecurity threat landscape?


In this eBook you will learn: 

  • Common Methods of Cyber Attack against SMBs 
  • Why Prevention-only Tools (i.e. Anti-Virus, Firewalls) are Not Sufficient Protection Against Today’s Advanced Cyber Threats
  • How SMBs Can Gain the Advantage over Cyber Attackers
  • How Managed Extended Detection & Response Affordably Protects SMBs Against Today’s Advanced Cyber Threats